Eco-incentives are back!
The Sostegni Bis decree, now converted into law, has ordered the renewal of state eco-incentives. The goal is to reduce the number of polluting vehicles on the road.
Ecoincentives 2021: what do they cover?
In total, 350 million euros have been allocated, broken down as follows:
260 million for the purchase of new cars (any power supply)
40 million for the purchase of used cars (any power supply)
50 million for the purchase of light commercial vehicles
The eco-incentive is obtained in the form of a discount on the purchase price of the car.
Ecoincentivi 2021: when do they end?
The decree established the renewal until 31 December 2021 . However, in light of the allocated amounts, the funds are expected to run out well before this date .
2021 eco-incentives on new cars
With the incentive you can buy new cars with any power supply . However, there are limits to the list price:
- New petrol and diesel cars: maximum list price € 40,000 (excluding VAT)
- New hybrid and electric cars: maximum list price € 50,000 (excluding VAT)
Cars that exceed these thresholds are excluded from the eco-incentive.
The discount on the price of the car varies depending on whether or not a vehicle approved for the Euro 1, 2, 3 and 4 classes is scrapped.
New cars: eco-incentives with scrapping
To obtain the discount provided for the scrapping, it is necessary that the vehicle to be scrapped:
- has been registered before January 2011 (or is in any case at least ten years old)
- is in the name of the buyer of the new car or a person who falls within his family status
0-20 G / KM € 10,000
(electric cars)
21-60 G / KM € 6,000
(plug-in hybrid cars)
61-135 G / KM € 3,500
(petrol, diesel, lpg)
New cars: eco-incentives without scrapping
Even those who do not have a car to be scrapped can access eco-incentives. In this case, however, the bonus only covers hybrid and electric cars.
0-20 G / KM € 6,000
(electric cars)
21-60 G / KM € 3,500
(plug-in hybrid cars)
Starting from € 8,500 with eco-incentives
and financing
Starting from € 11.800 with eco-incentives
and financing
Starting from € 13.200 with eco-incentives and financing